


Websites for writers abound. Here I list a few I have found useful; I will add more as they come my way.

This Itch of Writing: a blog by English novelist Emma Darwin. An exceptional teaching resource for intermediate and advanced writers.

Writer Unboxed. Articles about the craft and business of writing, by writers, for writers.

Jane Friedman was formerly the publisher of Writers' Digest Books. She now offers aspiring writers free advice about the publishing world, especially self-publishing.

Editorial Anonymous. The informative and entertaining blog of an anonymous children's book editor.

Rachelle Gardner. The blog's subtitle explains its content: "Rants and Ramblings on Life as a Literary Agent."

Talent is the assumptions we make about other people’s abilities that keep us from developing our own.

—Barbara Baig


There are hundreds of writing books available, and I urge you to discover the ones that speak to you. Here is a list of some of my favorites:

Joan AikenThe Way to Write for Children.

Ray BradburyZen in the Art of Writing.

Joseph BruchacOur Stories Remember: American Indian History, Culture, and Values through Storytelling.

Joseph Bruchac. Tell Me a Tale: a book about storytelling.

Rudolf Flesch. The Art of Readable Writing.

Jon FranklinWriting for Story.

Ted HughesPoetry in the Making.

Stephen KingOn Writing: a Memoir of the Craft.

Damon Knight. Creating Short Fiction.

Ursula K. Le Guin. Steering the Craft.

Betsy LernerThe Forest for the Trees: an editor’s advice to writers.

Frances Mayes. The Discovery of Poetry: a field guide to reading and writing poems.

William Stafford. Writing the Australian Crawl: views on the writer’s vocation.

Jane Yolen. Take Joy: a writer’s guide to loving the craft.

Marilee Zedenek. The Right-Brain Experience.

William Zinsser. On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction, 30th anniversary edition.